Sunday, November 13, 2005

"I Heart Starbucks"

It's true, I do. As un-hip as it is to do, let alone admit, my heart does a little pitter-patter at the sight of that green and white logo. I can think of 3 reasons for this affection: that little mermaid and I were born in the same city, I love coffee, and when given a choice I will likely default to the comfortable rather than the adventurous---this is also extremely un-hip to admit, but truthfulness trumps hipness, so I win. So on our recent travels, the sight of a Starbucks brought me great joy---like a little reminder of home, not to mention a decent cup of coffee.

There is, however, the sight of a Starbucks which, though I have not actually laid eyes on it myself, I suspect I would not be so happy to see. My daughter has seen it and reports it is inside a nearby suburban wanna-be-a-mega church. A church which, rumor** has it, recently spent a million-ish dollars on a new sound system because Jesus would demand excellence.
**i have absolutely no proof of this, and fully admit it is rumor, and might be completely evil for repeating it

So my question is this: Why, oh why???, is Starbucks sullying its reputation in such a way????


Holly Sharp said...

I just read that those cute little quotable coffee cups at starbucks will soon have an addition of a Rick Warren quote. (all thigs written online are always true- right?)

It's actually not that bad of a quote, but the name negates anything that it follows. And shoot, if that dosent deture you, then nothing will-drink up girl!

Now I am an guilty as the next green straw sucker for loving those egg nog lattes but i am trying to get better about branching out....and the other stuff almost always tastes better. You crack me up!

Holly Sharp said...

now you can have your purpose driven coffee and drink it too!